Monday, November 25, 2013

Holiday Survival Tips

Tis' the season for increased demands and stress. You thought I was going to say "joy." Well, hopefully we all find time for the joy, but the added demands on our already full and sometimes difficult lives, can really ratchet up the stress factor and cause us to miss some of the more important elements of our holiday seasons.

Here are a few survival tactics that may help you reduce your stress levels:

Watch the numbers. This means striving to get 30 minutes of walking or your fitness activities a day, and eight hours of solid sleep a night. It also means being mindful of calories and high-fat foods. Enjoy the treats of the season, just don't gorge.Set a goal to maintain your current status while enjoying the seasonal breaks from routine.

Put first things first. Whatever is important for you to do today, write it down. Repeat after me: "Write it down." it's easy to become overwhelmed with demands and expectations. You will get swept away in a mountain of demands if you don't take care of your own needs. Do the have to's and trim the list so that you have room for the meaningful extras you want to enjoy.

Sharpen the saw. This is an expression taken from the author Steven Covey. He tells the story of two lumberjacks working in the forest. The lumberjack who was most successful was the one who would periodically stop to sharpen and oil his saw. Follow this great example. Make time to preserve your greatest asset - YOU.

Let go of unrealistic expectations. Don't get hung up on the mythology of the holiday season. Few American families fit the traditional mold of a mom, a dad and 1.7 above-average children. We live in a time of the blended family and step-relatives. Some of us are alone. Some of us work multiple jobs or have been out of work for extended periods. Be gentle with yourself and be realistic with your expectations.

As demands for your time increase during this season, you need to do more for yourself - not less. After all, what are the holidays all about? It's not the stuff. It's about finding peace and serenity for ourselves and sharing it with our fellow travelers.

Need more help? If the stress in your life is more than you can cope with, get help right away. Here are some sources:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Go to the nearest hospital or emergency room.
Call your physician, health provider or clergy.
National Alliance on Mental Illness